Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – July 2005

PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday, July 5th at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM

President Bob McMillan called the meeting to order promptly at 7:03 PM. Bob asked the Secretary to read the minutes from our May meeting.  The minutes were read and approved by all members present.  Bob then asked our treasurer for a report on our financial status.  He reported that we made a net profit of $288.06 on our Big Bird fly in.  He also reported that our membership status has not changed since our last meeting.

Our field committee chairman was asked for a report on our field.  He reported that the grass is growing and the field is in good condition and only needs flyers.  It was also reported that the field had been sprayed for fire ants and grub worms.  This is the second treatment in this new treatment plan and it seems to be working fine.  Blackie asked that we go ahead and schedule our next treatment for October.

Our safety officer did not have anything to report.  Stay Safe!


Bob reminded us that Vic has club caps for sale for $6.25.  He also reminded us that Charlie has fuel available if anyone need some.  Bob talked about the club member list Pat Beard has pulled together.  This list will be used at the end of the year to mail a membership renewal reminder to everyone.  Pat has done a great job pulling this list together.

Mike Goetzman was asked for a report on our Big Bird.  Mike reported that we made an overall profit of $288.06.  He also advised that he has received several door prizes in the mail after the Big Bird.  He made them available to members if they want them.  Mike thanked everyone for all of their contributions and Bob thanked Mike for all of his efforts.

Bob then talked about Blaine Austin’s event scheduled for our field later this month.  Bob has left two messages for Blaine but has not had a response.

Bob then reminded us that we need to schedule a ladies night out.  He asked for someone to coordinate this effort.  Mike Goetzman accepted the challenge and said that he will schedule it for July 9, 2005 at either Ralph and Kacoo’s or Drusilla Seafood.  He will advise at our next meeting.

George Sexton moved that we make Ray Shook a dues waived member of our club as thanks for all he has done for us.  Everyone agreed that Ray has been a great asset to the club.  B. C. pointed out that our by laws don’t provide for this and that Ray is not a current AMA member.  For anyone to be a member of our club, they have to first be a paid up member of AMA.  The motion was tabled until someone could check with Ray to see how he feels about this.


Bob brought up the condition of the lawn mower shed.  He pointed out that it has become piled up with stuff.  He pointed out that it needs to be cleaned up so we can use it for its intended purpose.

New Member – John Bowman Jr. AMA 834846 is a new member and Jim Ramin is a past member wishing to rejoin us.  Both were accepted by all members present.

Mike and Vic moved that we buy a new style buddy box cord that John has.  This motion passed.  This cord adapts to the new style Futaba to our buddy box.

George moved that any event scheduled for our field must be approved by the club’s events committee and the general membership.  Much discussion ensued.  This motion was seconded by Butch Pierson and was approved by all but 3 members present.

It was pointed out that that several events are scheduled in the area in the near future:

Crescent City plans a Pattern contest on August 27 & 28
July 9, 10, & 11 Jet rally in Shreveport.
Bomber Field is scheduled for September 16 – 18.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:07 PM.  This motion to adjourn was approved by all members present.

BRRCC  June 5, 2005
Willard Beard, Secretary

Mike has informed me that Ladies night is Saturday July 9th at Drusilla Seafood at 7:00pm